Women health care tips 5 reasons for cancer of uterus or cervix cancer

Women health care tips 5 reasons for cancer of uterus or cervix cancer

Women Health Care Tips: Cancer is a deadly disease that affects so many people. This disease can affect children, women, men, elderly people. But in women, breast cancer, cervix cancer or uterine cancer are commonly seen, in which women may face problems like unbearable pain, lumps, internal bleeding in their private parts. So let us tell you today what are the reasons (uterus cancer causes) for uterine cancer, which should make you alert.

what is uterine cancer
Cancer of the uterus or womb occurs when cells start growing in any part of the uterus and a lump is formed. Usually it is of two types: uterine sarcoma, in this cancer the muscle layer of the uterus starts producing cancer cells in the surrounding tissue and the second is endometrial carcinoma, in this type of cancer cancer cells start developing in the inner layer of the uterus, both these conditions can be fatal.

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Why does women get cancer of the uterus or cervix?
As women age, the risk of uterine cancer may increase. Most uterine cancer can occur in women after the age of 50.

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Hormonal Changes
The increase or decrease in estrogen hormone in women’s body affects the uterus and is one of the main causes of uterine cancer. Late menopause, early onset of periods, hormone replacement therapy can also increase the risk of uterine cancer.

Family History
In many cases it has been revealed that due to genetic disorders or inherited uterine cancer the future generations are also at risk of this cancer.

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Not controlling diet and weight
Women who are overweight or obese have an increased risk of uterine cancer. Not only this, people who consume an unhealthy diet can also be at risk of uterine cancer.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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